Electrifying audiences around Rochester since 1997, Tom Hoogs is a producer and DJ with serious moxie. Owner of 535 Recordings, Hoogs maintains a loyal following with his original blends of jungle, deep house, dubstep, and alternative pop. Buckle up for hypnotic drum and bass groove-scapes that explode into full-throttle dance anthems. Hoogs lets the music speak for itself, using mostly electronic instrumentation and the occasional wave of shimmery vocal samples in the background. He puts you in a high-velocity trance with his off-kilter, futuristic dance compositions.

Hoogs will perform along with Basha, Bones Jones b2b Nomad, Deltat b2b Suspence, and R Hop on Saturday, June 8, 9 p.m. at Photo City Improv, 543 Atlantic Avenue. $5, over 21; $8, under 21. Ages 18 and over. 451-0047. photocityimprov.com; soundcloud.com/hoogs.

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