Friday, January 8, 2016

Dinolfo asks LDC's to dissolve

Posted By on Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 9:55 AM

County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo has asked the two county-linked local development corporations at the center of a bid-rigging case to dissolve.

Dinolfo sent letters to Upstate Telecommunications Corporation and the Monroe Security and Safety Systems LDC boards asking each to adopt a resolution pledging that they'll "take all steps necessary to dissolve in an orderly fashion and to work with the County of Monroe to assure a timely and seamless transition of its functions, assets, and liabilities to the county."

During her campaign last year, Dinolfo pledged to get rid of all county LDC's and said that she'd start with UTC and M3S. She hasn't specified a plan for dissolving the LDC's other than rewriting some contracts and refinancing the more than $300 million in debt they hold. The county would also have to resume operations of any assets that the quasi-governmental agencies own.

“Monroe County residents deserve a county government that is the most ethical and transparent in the nation,” Dinolfo says in a press release. "From day one I promised to implement a forward-looking integrity agenda and the elimination of LDC's plays a significant role in delivering on that promise. Until we have accomplished our goal, I will remain committed to this effort because our families and residents deserve nothing less." 

Dinolfo's letters to the LDC boards are attached below.

M3S Dissolve Jan 2016

UTC Dissolve Jan 2016

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